in this Section you can Read the information about theUniversity of central Florida
, courses and admission requirements of University of central Florida
. How good is University of central Florida ?
How do we introduce University of central Florida ?
Is University of central Florida a good and proper one for your target?
In this short text we will provide you some necessary information about the University of central Florida whose main campus is in USA
Please note that this information is our findings on University of central Florida ,you may also research more about the mentioned institute yourself and gain more data about it.
We would like to emphasize that we intend to be honest and impartial toward our customers, so for more information, we encourage you to do your own research.
University of central Florida is one of our trusted academic institutes and the link to its website can be found at the end of this article.
International mixture of students has always been their target to have a multicultural atmosphere and experience for applicants and to provide proper, professional and credible educational services to students.
If you want to apply to this university/ college, we recommend you read this review first to know more about the choice you are making as research about any steps for your future has always been advised.
In order to give you precise data about University of central Florida , our staffs researched and gathered some information directly from the the official web page and flyers of the university itself so you can be sure that the information is valid and up to date.
Before we begin to give you more details about this university, please note that if we somehow mention some negative points beside positive pointes about the institutes in our page, we do not mean to damage their reputation. we just want to reflect our client’s opinion about institutes.
University of central Florida was built in the year 1963 in Orlando, Florida, U.S.
What is the ranking of University of central Florida ?
According to www.4icu.orgwebsite the ranking of Washington Monthly is 103 in USA and top 300 in the worldUndergraduate Degrees
Accounting120credit hours
Actuarial Science120credit hours
Advertising-Public Relations120credit hours
Aerospace Engineering128credit hours
Anthropology120credit hours
Architecture120credit hours
Art – Emerging Media Track120credit hours
Art – History Track120credit hours
Art – Studio Art Track120credit hours
Art – Studio Track120credit hours
Art – Visual Arts and Emerging Media Management Track120credit hours
Athletic Training120credit hours
Biology120credit hours
Biomedical Sciences120credit hours
Biomedical Sciences – Molecular and Cellular Biology Track120credit hours
Biomedical Sciences – Molecular Microbiology Concentration120credit hours
Biomedical Sciences – Neuroscience Track120credit hours
Biomedical Sciences – Preprofessional Concentration120credit hours
Biotechnology120credit hours
Chemistry120credit hours
Chemistry – Biochemistry Track120credit hours
Civil Engineering128credit hours
Communication & Conflict120credit hours
Communication Sciences and Disorders120credit hours
Computer Engineering – Comprehensive Track128credit hours
Computer Engineering – Digital Circuits Track128credit hours
Computer Science120credit hours
Construction Engineering128credit hours
Criminal Justice120credit hours
Criminal Justice Scholar’s Track120credit hours
Digital Media120credit hours
Early Childhood Development and Education Track 1: Education: Pre-Kindergarten – Primary (PK-3)120credit hours
Early Childhood Development and Education Track 2: Early Childhood Development120credit hours
Economics120credit hours
Economics, Business120credit hours
Electrical Engineering – Communications and Signal Processing Track128credit hours
Electrical Engineering – Comprehensive Track128credit hours
Electrical Engineering – Power and Renewable EnergyTrack128credit hours
Electrical Engineering – RF and Microwaves Track128credit hours
Elementary Education120credit hours
English – Creative Writing120credit hours
English – Literature120credit hours
English – Technical Communication120credit hours
Entertainment Management120credit hours
Environmental Engineering128credit hours
Environmental Studies120credit hours
Event Management120credit hours
Exceptional Student Education120credit hours
Film120credit hours
Film – Cinema Studies Track120credit hours
Finance120credit hours
Forensic Science – Biochemistry Track124credit hours
Forensic Science – Chemistry Track124credit hours
French120credit hours
Health Informatics and Information Management120credit hours
Health Sciences120credit hours
Health Services Administration120credit hours
History120credit hours
Hospitality Management120credit hours
Human Communication120credit hours
Humanities and Cultural Studies120credit hours
Industrial Engineering128credit hours
Information Technology120credit hours
Integrated Business120credit hours
Interdisciplinary Studies120credit hours
Interdisciplinary Studies – Transnational Gender, Race, and Sexuality Studies Track120credit hours
International and Global Studies120credit hours
Journalism120credit hours
Latin American Studies120credit hours
Legal Studies120credit hours
Management120credit hours
Marketing120credit hours
Mathematics120credit hours
Mechanical Engineering128credit hours
Medical Laboratory Sciences126credit hours
Music120credit hours
Music – Jazz Studies Track120credit hours
Music – Music Composition Track120credit hours
Music – Music Performance Track120credit hours
Music Education132credit hours
Nonprofit Management120credit hours
Nursing120credit hours
Nursing – Concurrent A.S.N. to B.S.N. enrollment option120credit hours
Nursing – R.N. to B.S.N. Program120credit hours
Philosophy120credit hours
Photography127credit hours
Photonic Science and Engineering128credit hours
Physics120credit hours
Physics120credit hours
Political Science120credit hours
Political Science – Prelaw Track120credit hours
Psychology120credit hours
Public Administration120credit hours
Radio – Television120credit hours
Real Estate120credit hours
Religion and Cultural Studies120credit hours
Restaurant and Foodservice Management120credit hours
Secondary Education – English Language Arts Education Track120credit hours
Secondary Education – Mathematics Education Track120credit hours
Secondary Education – Science Education Biology Track120credit hours
Secondary Education – Science Education Chemistry Track120credit hours
Secondary Education – Science Education Physics Track120credit hours
Secondary Education – Social Science Education Track120credit hours
Social Sciences120credit hours
Social Work120credit hours
Sociology120credit hours
Spanish120credit hours
Sport and Exercise Science120credit hours
Statistics120credit hours
Teacher Education – Art Education Track126credit hours
Teacher Education – Physical Education Track120credit hours
Teacher Education – World Languages Education Spanish Track120credit hours
Technical Education and Industry Training120credit hours
Theatre – Acting Track129credit hours
Theatre – Design and Technology Track129credit hours
Theatre – Musical Theatre Track129credit hours
Theatre – Stage Management Track129credit hours
Theatre Studies120credit hours
Writing and Rhetoric120credit hours
Accounting21credit hours
Actuarial Science21credit hours
Aerospace Studies16credit hours
Africana Studies18credit hours
Aging Studies18credit hours
American Studies18credit hours
Anthropological Archaeology18credit hours
Anthropology18credit hours
Anthropology in Multicultural Studies18credit hours
Art – Studio24credit hours
Art Education18credit hours
Art History18credit hours
Asian Studies18credit hours
Astronomy19credit hours
Bioengineering38credit hours
Biological Anthropology18credit hours
Biology31credit hours
Biomedical Sciences30credit hours
Business18credit hours
Chemistry28credit hours
Coaching22credit hours
Cognitive Sciences18credit hours
Communication Sciences and Disorders24credit hours
Community Arts – PAVE18credit hours
Community Sport and Fitness18credit hours
Computer Science18credit hours
Crime, Law, and Deviance18credit hours
Criminal Justice18credit hours
Cultural Anthropology18credit hours
Dance18credit hours
Digital Humanities18credit hours
Digital Media18credit hours
Diplomacy18credit hours
Diversity and Social Inequality18credit hours
Early Childhood Development and Education21credit hours
Economics18credit hours
Education18credit hours
Emergency Management and Homeland Security18credit hours
Engineering Leadership19credit hours
English – Creative Writing18credit hours
English – Linguistics18credit hours
English – Literature18credit hours
English – Technical Communication18credit hours
English Language Arts Education18credit hours
Entrepreneurship18credit hours
Environmental Studies21credit hours
European Studies21credit hours
Event Management18credit hours
Exceptional Student Education18credit hours
Film – Cinema Studies18credit hours
Finance18credit hours
Fitness Training18credit hours
Florida Studies18credit hours
French18credit hours
Global Peace and Security Studies18credit hours
Global Sociology18credit hours
Health Informatics and Information Management20credit hours
Health Sciences18credit hours
Health Services Administration18credit hours
History18credit hours
Hospitality Management18credit hours
Human Communication21credit hours
Human Services18credit hours
Humanities and Cultural Studies18credit hours
Information Technology18credit hours
Intelligence and National Security18credit hours
Intelligent Robotic Systems (IRS) – Interdisciplinary18credit hours
International and Global Studies21credit hours
International Business18credit hours
International Engineering18credit hours
Italian18credit hours
Journalism Studies18credit hours
Judaic Studies20credit hours
Latin American Area Studies18credit hours
Leadership Studies19credit hours
Legal Studies21credit hours
Magazine Journalism18credit hours
Marketing18credit hours
Mass Communication18credit hours
Mass Culture and Collective Behavior18credit hours
Materials Science and Engineering18credit hours
Mathematical Biology24credit hours
Mathematics18credit hours
Mathematics Education18credit hours
Medical Anthropology18credit hours
Medical Sociology18credit hours
Medieval and Renaissance Studies18credit hours
Middle Eastern Studies18credit hours
Military Science19credit hours
Music19credit hours
Nanoscale Science and Technology18credit hours
Native American Studies18credit hours
Nonprofit Management/National Certification in Nonprofit Management18credit hours
Performing Arts Administration30credit hours
Philosophy18credit hours
Physics20credit hours
Political Science18credit hours
Political Science/Prelaw18credit hours
Pre-Law in the Humanities18credit hours
Professional Selling18credit hours
Psychology25credit hours
Public Administration21credit hours
Real Estate18credit hours
Religion and Cultural Studies18credit hours
Russian Studies18credit hours
Science Education19credit hours
Secure Computing and Networks18credit hours
Social Science Education18credit hours
Sociology18credit hours
Spanish18credit hours
Sport Business Management (SPB)18credit hours
Statistics18credit hours
Technical Education and Industry Training18credit hours
Technological Entrepreneurship18credit hours
Terrorism Studies18credit hours
Theatre18credit hours
Urban and Regional Planning21credit hours
Women’s and Gender Studies18credit hours
World Comparative Studies18credit hours
World Languages Education – English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)18credit hours
World Languages Education – Languages Other Than English (LOTE)18credit hours
Writing and Rhetoric18credit hours
Accounting MSA30credit hours
Aerospace Engineering MSAE30credit hours
Anthropology MA30credit hours
Applied Learning and Instruction MA33credit hours
Biology MS30-40credit hours
Biomedical Engineering MSBME30credit hours
Biomedical Sciences MS33credit hours
Biotechnology MS30credit hours
Business Administration MBA39credit hours
Career and Technical Education MA42-45credit hours
Chemistry MS30-31credit hours
Civil Engineering MS30credit hours
Civil Engineering MSCE30credit hours
Clinical Psychology MA61credit hours
Communication MA33-34credit hours
Communication Sciences and Disorders MA72credit hours
Computer Engineering MSCpE30credit hours
Computer Science MS30credit hours
Conservation Biology, Professional Science Master’s31-38credit hours
Counselor Education MASee catalog for credit hours
Counselor Education MEdSee catalog for credit hours
Creative Writing MFA36credit hours
Criminal Justice MS36credit hours
Curriculum and Instruction MEd33-36credit hours
Data Analytics MS30credit hours
Digital Forensics MS30credit hours
Digital Media MASee catalog for credit hours
Early Childhood Development and Education MS36credit hours
Economics MS30credit hours
Education EdSSee catalog for credit hours
Education Undecided or CertificationSee catalog for credit hours
Educational Leadership EdS36credit hours
Educational Leadership MA30credit hours
Educational Leadership MEd36credit hours
Electrical Engineering MSEE30credit hours
Elementary Education MA48credit hours
Elementary Education MEd30credit hours
Emerging Media MFA66credit hours
Engineering Management MSEM30credit hours
English MASee catalog for credit hours
English MA, Rhetoric and CompositionSee catalog for credit hours
Environmental Engineering MS30credit hours
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE30credit hours
Exceptional Student Education K-12 MA39credit hours
Exceptional Student Education MEd33credit hours
Forensic Science MS32-34credit hours
Health Administration MHASee catalog for credit hours
Health Care Informatics MS, Professional Science Master’s38credit hours
History MA36credit hours
Hospitality and Tourism Management MS33credit hours
Industrial and Organizational Psychology MS38credit hours
Industrial Engineering MS30credit hours
Industrial Engineering MSIE30credit hours
Instructional Design and Technology MA36credit hours
Interactive Entertainment MS30credit hours
Interdisciplinary Studies MASee catalog for credit hours
Interdisciplinary Studies MSSee catalog for credit hours
K-8 Mathematics and Science Education MEd36credit hours
Management MSMSee catalog for credit hours
Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy MA63credit hours
Materials Science and Engineering MSMSE30credit hours
Mathematical Science MS30credit hours
Mechanical Engineering MSME30credit hours
Modeling and Simulation MS30credit hours
Music MA30-34credit hours
Nanotechnology MS30credit hours
Nanotechnology Professional Science Master’s30credit hours
Nondegree or TransientSee catalog for credit hours
Nonprofit Management MNM36credit hours
Nursing MSN36-46credit hours
Nursing NondegreeSee catalog for credit hours
Optics and Photonics MS30credit hours
Physics MS30credit hours
Political Science MA33credit hours
Public Administration MPA42credit hours
Reading Education MEd30credit hours
Real Estate MSRE30credit hours
Research Administration MRA36credit hours
School Psychology EdS83credit hours
Secondary Education MEd33credit hours
Social Work MSWSee catalog for credit hours
Sociology MA, Applied30credit hours
Spanish MA36credit hours
Sport and Exercise Science MS36credit hours
Sport Business Management MSBM45credit hours
Statistical Computing MS36credit hours
Taxation MST30credit hours
Teacher Education MATSee catalog for credit hours
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA30-36credit hours
Theatre MA39credit hours
Theatre MFASee catalog for credit hours
Urban and Regional Planning MS48credit hours
Big Data Analytics PhD72credit hours
Biomedical Sciences PhD72credit hours
Business Administration PhD84credit hours
Chemistry PhD72credit hours
Civil Engineering PhD72credit hours
Clinical Psychology PhDSee catalog for credit hours
Computer Engineering PhD72credit hours
Computer Science PhD72credit hours
Conservation Biology PhD72credit hours
Criminal Justice PhD57credit hours
Curriculum and Instruction EdD54credit hours
Doctor of Medicine MDSee catalog for credit hours
Education PhD69-84credit hours
Educational Leadership EdD54-63credit hours
Electrical Engineering PhD72credit hours
Environmental Engineering PhD72credit hours
Hospitality Management PhD58credit hours
Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology PhDSee catalog for credit hours
Industrial and Organizational Psychology PhDSee catalog for credit hours
Industrial Engineering PhD72credit hours
Integrative Anthropological Sciences PhD51credit hours
Materials Science and Engineering PhD72credit hours
Mathematics PhD75credit hours
Mechanical Engineering PhD72credit hours
Modeling and Simulation PhD72credit hours
Nursing PhD72credit hours
Nursing Practice DNPSee catalog for credit hours
Optics and Photonics PhD72credit hours
Physical Therapy DPT112credit hours
Physics PhD72credit hours
Public Affairs PhD60credit hours
Security Studies PhD62credit hours
Sociology PhD60credit hours
Texts and Technology PhD57credit hours
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Graduate Certificate22credit hours
Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Advanced Quantitative Methodologies in Educational and Human Sciences Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Aging Studies15credit hours
Aging Studies Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Anatomical Sciences Graduate Certificate22credit hours
Anthropology of Global Health15credit hours
Applied Operations Research Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Autism Spectrum Disorders Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Behavioral Forensics33credit hours
Career Counseling Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Children’s Services18credit hours
Civics Teaching12credit hours
Clinical Nurse Leader Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Cognitive Sciences Graduate Certificate18credit hours
College Teaching and Leadership Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Computer Forensics Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Conservation Biology Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Corporate Communication Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Corrections Leadership Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping15credit hours
Crime Analysis Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Crime Scene Investigation15credit hours
Criminal Justice Executive Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Criminal Justice Management and Leadership18credit hours
Criminal Profiling15credit hours
Cyber Operations39credit hours
Design for Usability Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Destination Marketing and Management Graduate Certificate9credit hours
Diplomacy15credit hours
e-Learning Professional Development Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Emergency Management and Homeland Security Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Entrepreneurship12credit hours
Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate9credit hours
ESOL Endorsement K-12 Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Ethics Graduate Certificate, Theoretical and Applied12credit hours
Event Management Graduate Certificate9credit hours
Family Nurse Practitioner Graduate Certificate22credit hours
Finance: Banking12credit hours
Finance: Corporate Finance12credit hours
Finance: Investments12credit hours
Fundraising Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Gender Studies12credit hours
Gender Studies Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Geographic Information Systems12credit hours
Geographic Information Systems Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Gifted Education Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Global Health and Public Affairs Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Global, International and Comparative Education Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Health Care Simulation Graduate Certificate9credit hours
Health Communication15credit hours
Health Information Administration Graduate Certificate20credit hours
Hispanic/Latino Media0credit hoursSee catalog for credit hours
Human Biology19credit hours
Initial Teacher Professional Preparation Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Instructional / Educational Technology Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Instructional Design for Simulations Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Instructional Design Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Intelligence and National Security12credit hours
Intelligence and National Security Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Intervention Specialist Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Judaic Studies15credit hours
Juvenile Justice Leadership Graduate Certificate12credit hours
K-8 Mathematics and Science Education Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Language Development and Disorders11credit hours
Leadership Studies13credit hours
Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy Graduate Certificate15-17credit hours
Mathematical Science Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Mathematics and Science Educator Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Medical Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Military Social Work Graduate Certificate9credit hours
Modeling and Simulation of Behavioral Cybersecurity Graduate Certificate13credit hours
Modeling and Simulation of Technical Systems Graduate CertificateSee catalog for credit hours
Native American Studies15credit hours
Nonprofit Management18credit hours
Nonprofit Management Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Nursing Education Graduate Certificate9credit hours
Play Therapy Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Police Leadership Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Prekindergarten Disabilities Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Professional Writing Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Project Engineering Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Public Administration Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Public and Professional Writing12credit hours
Public Budgeting and Finance Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Quality Assurance Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Reading Education Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Research Administration Graduate Certificate18credit hours
SAS Data Mining Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Security Management15credit hours
Severe or Profound Disabilities Graduate Certificate15credit hours
Social Science Education Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Social Work Administration Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Spanish for Health Professionals15credit hours
Spanish for the Legal World15credit hours
Special Education Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Structural Engineering Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Substitute Teaching9credit hours
Supporting High Needs Populations Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Systems Engineering Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Teaching English as a Foreign Language12credit hours
Teaching English as a Foreign Language Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Technology Ventures Graduate Certificate9credit hours
Training Simulation Graduate Certificate9credit hours
Translation and Interpretation15credit hours
Transportation Engineering Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Certificate18credit hours
Victim Advocacy15credit hours
World Languages Education – English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Graduate Certificate12credit hours
World Languages Education – Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Graduate Certificate12credit hours
Articulated Programs
Applied Science B.A.S.120credit hours
Criminal Justice – A.S. to B.S. Track130credit hours
Hospitality Management – A.S. to B.S. Track124credit hours
Nursing – A.S. to B.S.N. Track128credit hours
Accelerated Programs
Aerospace Engineering – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program128credit hours
Communication Sciences and Disorders – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program120credit hours
Computer Engineering – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program128credit hours
Computer Science – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program120credit hours
Electrical Engineering – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program128credit hours
History – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program120credit hours
Industrial Engineering – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program128credit hours
Mechanical Engineering – Accelerated Undergraduate-Graduate Program128credit hours
Nursing – Accelerated Second Degree B.S.N. Option60credit hours
UCF Legal Studies/Barry Law/Touro Law Accelerated Legal Studies Degree Program120credit hoursSemester Deadline
Fall May 1
Spring November 1
Summer March 1
Semester Deadline
Fall July 1
Spring November 1
Summer March 1
Semester Deadline
Fall March 1
Spring November 1
Summer January 1Cost of Attendance In-state: $22,501 Out-of-state: $38,600
Tuition and Fees In-state: $6,368 Out-of-state: $22,467
Room and Board $10,011
Books and Supplies $1,152
Other Expenses $4,970
The academic documents required will vary based upon your entry level.
Freshmen (an applicant who has/will have completed 0-11 semester hours of post-secondary credit after secondary school completion):
Secondary school credentials:
U.S. secondary schools
Submit official transcripts from all U.S. secondary schools attended.
International secondary schools
Completed student Application form. (Online)
Scanned image of valid Passport.
Photocopy of your Academic Transcripts from your previous studies.
Application fee.
IELTS Test Score differs according to field of study.
IETLS 6 with Minimum 5.5 band score for bachelor degree.
IELTS 6.5 with Minimum 6 band score for Master’s degree.
IELTS 7 with Minimum 6.5 band score for Doctorate degree
The following tests are accepted for entry into degree-level courses:
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Academic)
NorthView is an annual community where offices and apartments stay open to residents all year round, including holiday breaks. Management by UCF Housing means that rent can be billed and paid by semester through the myUCF student account. Financial Aid, grants and scholarships, as well as the Florida Prepaid Dormitory Plan, can be used toward your housing payments at NorthView.
Floor Plans
Note: All NorthView floorplan types will be furnished in either the Honey Gold or Blue Grey design collection as shown below. Colors and furnishings shown in the floorplans below are for reference and may vary depending on your specific room assignment.
Pricing and Amenities
Our pricing is set by floor plan type. There are no up-charges for views, floors, design features or specific bedrooms.
Type Fall Spring Summer
4 Bed / 4 Bath Apartment $3,715 $3,715 $2,478
4 Bed / 4 Bath Loft $3,855 $3,855 $2,570
2 Bed / 2 Bath Apartment $3,990 $3,990 $2,660
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